Time Entry & Approval is Going Online

With the launch of other self-service applications for employees in myOleMiss, an application for time entry and approval seems like a natural fit. The Offices of Information Technology (IT) and Human Resources (HR) partnered to develop self-service applications for time entry and approval. The design is based on the current paper time sheet, which will […]
Analytics Report: Fall/Spring Enrollment Comparison

Analytics in myOleMiss has been updated with a new report that will provide a breakdown and details on the number of current students who are yet to enroll after priority registration has started. Separate reports are available for undergraduate and graduate, law and Pharm D students. The report will have information about the upcoming spring […]
IT Maintenance Announcements – October 2012
A brief list of the IT maintenance events along with the impacted systems and services.
IT Introduces UM Mail Vaulting Service for Email Storage
Is your mailbox filling up with historic messages that you need to retain? With the implementation of Symantec Enterprise Vault, the Office of Information Technology has a new solution for you. Symantec Enterprise Vault is a content archiving system that moves emails and their attachments to an online storage area called a vault. EV requires […]
UM Webmail Taken Offline October 5, 2012
With the migration of email services from UM Webmail to UM Gmail complete, logins to UM Webmail will be disabled on October 5. UM Mail (Exchange) is available to employees. UM Gmail is available to students and any employees that have requested access. UM Webmail login restrictions include web (http://webmail.olemiss.edu), POP and IMAP access. Individuals […]
New myOleMiss Features for Advisors

Over the past year, it has become clear that employees who supervise certain kinds of student programs need the same kind of access to student data that academic advisors have had for many years. Examples are employees who supervise developmental courses, student athlete advisors, and FASTrack counselors. Moreover, these staff members, as well as academic […]
Computer Lab Enhanced in Weir Hall

The Galtney Center for Academic Computing in Weir Hall opened in November 2002. The Center was made possible by a $4 million gift from Ole Miss Alumni Will and Susanne Galtney of Houston, TX. Commonly referred to as the Weir Hall computer lab, students and employees have access to 50 computers around the clock. During the Fall and […]
Online UM Security Awareness Training

Since 2005, select University employees have been required to participate in security awareness training. In the past, these required sessions have taken place in a classroom/lecture format. As of September 17, 2012, the University has partnered with the SANS Institute to offer online security awareness training. The online training modules are organized to train specific […]
How to Protect Your Passwords
With increasing use of the Internet in this digital world, it is very important that you secure your information with a strong password. You have heard that you should always use a password that is complex and hard to guess or crack. So, what constitutes a strong password? The following are few guidelines or “things […]
The Fall 2012 IT Survival Guide
Welcome! The Office of Information Technology (IT) has been busy preparing for new and returning faculty and students. Below are some of the important changes we made during the summer along with links to common websites and informative TechNews articles. We Have Gone Google Yes, we have gone Google. Student email was migrated from […]