What I Learned This Summer About MOOCs
A question that comes up frequently this time of year is, “What did you do this summer?” A major highlight for me was taking a “MOOC,” i.e., a massively open online course. MOOCs are free, online courses that typically enroll thousands of students. Some see them as a transformational force in higher education, whereas others […]
The Fall 2013 IT Survival Guide
Welcome! The Office of Information Technology (IT) has been busy preparing for new and returning faculty and students. Below are some of the important changes we made during the summer along with links to common websites and informative TECHNews articles. UM Google All students are given UM Gmail accounts which include access to Gmail, Google […]
Accessible Web – Deadline Sept. 1

If you are a campus webmaster or the head of a department with a website, I encourage you to review the policy on Accessibility of Technology Services. We have a self-imposed deadline coming up on September 1 to have all of our “official Web pages” pass the error checks in the WAVE: Web Accessibility Evaluation […]
New Blackboard Interface

On Wednesday, August 14, the Office of Information Technology (IT) will release a redesigned user interface for Blackboard Learn (Blackboard). At first glance, Blackboard will look very different, but rest assured that all Blackboard tools and menus are exactly where they were before. The interface has just been redesigned to provide a clean and […]
Automated Attendance: Upcoming Faculty Training
The automated attendance system has been expanded to cover additional rooms and it now includes more functionality to monitor and record attendance. There are three upcoming training seminars to better support faculty and plan for future enhancements. The training will acquaint the faculty with the barcode scanners and their operation so that they may better […]
UM Adobe Audit
For several years, the University of Mississippi (UM) has participated in a software licensing program with Adobe. The licensing program provides UM departments with discounted prices on various Adobe products installed on UM computers. Distribution of the software and licenses has been managed by the Faculty Technology Development Center (FTDC). When UM department staff members […]
Important Reminder: Compliance with UM Accessibility of Technology Services Policy

Please be reminded that all UM Web content (websites and Web pages) must be in at least minimal compliance with the guidelines addressed in the UM Accessibility of Technology Services Policy by September 1, 2013. The goal of making technology accessible is to eliminate barriers to electronic material for all potential users, including those who […]
Teacher Evaluations Benefit Teachers and Students
About Teacher Evaluations Teacher evaluation responses should provide useful feedback on teachers’ performance that helps instructors improve their teaching skills. Also, these responses may help decision makers make important decisions about development, tenure, promotion, compensation and awards. Teacher evaluation results may be used by future students to gain more insight on a course as they […]
The New Online Catalog is Now Available
The new online catalog is now available at http://catalog.olemiss.edu . If you have any concerns or notice any issues, contact us at catalog@olemiss.edu. Following are some of the features we would like to highlight: We have two catalogs in an academic year, Fall and Spring. While the catalog defaults to the current catalog, you can view […]