Grade Interface Enhancements

A few small but significant enhancements have been added to the features of Final Grade Submission in myOleMiss. They are designed to help instructors know the status of grade submission for their different course sections. Special thanks to Dr. Dan Mattern who made this enhancement request; we are glad to be able to make it […]
Identify Phishing Attacks

Phishing emails look authentic. They often have links to exact replicas of our portals, spoofed sender addresses, and malicious attachments with convincing file names. How Do I Identify Phishing? Closely examining website addresses, email links, and sender addresses can help you determine if an email is legitimate or not. One simple way to do this is by using the […]
SPSS License Renewal for 2016-2017
The University of Mississippi’s campus license for SPSS has been renewed. New license codes and instructions for the renewal are available in the myOleMiss portal. From your portal home page, search for the ‘Research Software’ app and then choose SPSS from the list of links that appears. There are illustrated instructions both for renewing existing […]
McLean Institute and IT Collaborate to Improve the Service Directory
Faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to log service hours OXFORD, MS. – Each year the McLean Institute for Public Service and Community Engagement compiles service data from across campus to submit an application for the President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll. The Honor Roll recognizes exemplary service efforts and the community-campus partnerships inspiring […]
Learn to Build Your Own iOS Apps with Swift
Come see Swift in action from 1:00–3:00PM on Wednesday, November 16, 2016, in Weir 235. Swift is a powerful and intuitive new programming language created by Apple for building iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, Apple Watch, Apple TV, and Mac apps. We’ll discuss and demonstrate Apple’s latest software development tools for the iPad, iPhone and iPod touch, […]
Why You Need a Password Manager

As technology professionals, we make password demands that can feel unreasonable. We want you to: 1. Use a strong password. 2. Set unique passwords for every service you use. 3. Reset all of your passwords frequently. 4. Never reuse a password. 5. Never write any of these passwords down anywhere. Of course, we have really good reasons for all of […]
Skip the Login Screen with the OleMiss_v2 Wireless Network

The pop-up login screen for the OleMiss wireless network is one of the most common technology “pain points” reported by UM faculty and students. If you use the OleMiss network, you are familiar with the problem: you are using your computer or mobile device when a screen pops up prompting you to re-enter your webid […]
Accessible Icon Project

I saw the sign. It opened up my eyes. I saw the sign. Life is demanding without understanding. I recently came across the Accessible Icon Project and an article written by Sara Hendren, an artist and activist from Harvard’s Graduate School of Design. Hendren describes how for years she had collected alternative designs to the […]
Need to Update Your Employee Contact Information?

As a new or existing employee, there may come a time when you need to update your contact information (office/personal telephone numbers, addresses, emergency contact, etc.). Find out how to access and update your contact information, as well as your communication preferences. ACCESS YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION You may view and update your own office information or […]