Wireless Gaming Support

A new application is available in myOleMiss that will permit the registration of one approved wireless device with limited browser capability per user. The current list of approved devices includes Nintendo WiiTM, Microsoft XBoxTM, Sony PS3 TM , Barnes & Noble NookTM, and Amazon KindleTM. Before registering your device, you will need to know its MAC (Media Access […]
Reliability of Land Line and Convenience of a Cell Phone
Have you ever wished you could step out of the office for a few minutes, but couldn’t leave for fear of missing an important call? When you subscribe to and activate the latest UM phone feature, this is no longer a concern. As part of the effort to keep our phone system up-to-date and offer […]
Google Mail for Students – Need Your Input!
Google offers a service called “Google Apps for Education” that includes Google mail (Gmail). The Office of Information Technology (IT) has been exploring Gmail behind the scenes for over a year and now seeks input from the campus community on whether this would be a good option for UM students. As of Fall 2009, about […]
From Paper to Portable – Going Wireless with Mobile Asset Management

An audit of a department’s property inventory can be a lengthy and sometimes frustrating process. Property auditors from the Office of Procurement Services arrive at the department, clipboards in hand, ready to search offices, closets, file cabinets, and other areas in an effort to locate all of the assets on their lists. Once an asset is identified, […]
New Wireless Login Method

Beginning Tuesday, August 2nd, users of the UM wireless network will have a new, more streamlined method for logging into the wireless network. The Network Management Team of the Office of Information Technology (IT) has been working throughout the summer to deploy a new WebID-based method of authentication that will eliminate the need for users to install client software onto their devices. This new […]
Cloud Storage and Sensitive Data

Effective July 1, 2011, Mississippi has a data breach notification law, House Bill 583. This law defines what data is considered to be sensitive (confidential), what constitutes a breach under this law, and the process that must be followed in the event sensitive information is “leaked” in a data breach. In addition to the state […]
Need to Market Your Content? Use QR Codes!

by Deetra Wiley A Quick Response (QR) Code is similar to a standard barcode, but is more useful because it can embed a variety of data, linking to URLs, addresses, and text. These graphical images (QR Codes) provide immediate access to a variety of digital information and are easily printed onto anything, like brochures, t-shirts, […]
Portal to be Unavailable Early Tuesday
The myOleMiss portal will be unavailable 6:00 – 8:00 AM on Tuesday, June 21, due to system maintenance. All services should be restored by 8:00 AM.