Self-Help Feature: Reset Your SAP Password

Updated 3/5/19 Forgot your SAP GUI password? The SAP password reset interface allows users to reset their SAP GUI password for SAP PRD (Production), QAS (Quality Assurance), and PRA (Sandbox). If your account is not locked, there is no need to call the IT Helpdesk to reset your password. How Do I Reset My […]
New Search Application is Better than Ever

Sai Kiran Vudutala is a computer science graduate student whose goal was to make searching the university’s website better and easier. The new Search application, available on the UM home page, is better than ever. Until now, it was often difficult to find specific things on the UM Website because the old search relied […]
IT Maintenance Announcements – December 2012
A brief list of the IT maintenance events along with the impacted systems and services.
Box Storage and Collaboration Service Goes Live

The Office of Information Technology (IT) is pleased to announce the availability of Box storage and collaboration service to University of Mississippi (UM) faculty, staff and students. As a member of Internet2, UM is able to take advantage of the Box storage service and special pricing offered through the Internet2 NET+ partnership program. The Net+ Box offering […]
Employee W-2’s Go Online

Tax season. Those two words can mean different things to different people. For the UM Payroll Office, it means one thing…producing W-2 statements for employees. Each January, between 7,000 and 8,000 W-2 forms are generated, printed, and mailed to employees. This process consumes a tremendous amount of paper in the form of special paper stock […]
Assign/Update Graduate Academic Advisor Workflow

Assign/Update Graduate Academic Advisor workflow is an online tool that allows the student/faculty/chair/GPC to initiate academic advisor assign/update requests for graduate students. Requests will be automatically processed once approved by chair/GPC and graduate school.You can view the application within myOleMiss by following the steps below: Students: Student tab => My Requests => Graduate Students Chair/GPC/Graduate […]
Academic Technology Updates from EDUCAUSE 2012
EDUCAUSE is an organization dedicated to supporting Information Technology (IT) professionals in higher education. EDUCAUSE recently held their annual conference at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver, CO. Attendees were able to discuss a variety of academic support topics with colleagues, attend technical sessions and discuss future products with vendors. Below are a few of the […]
Short Links for UM Google Sites
Sites are Google’s cloud solution for web site development. Provided as a part of Google Apps for Education at the University of Mississippi (UM), faculty, staff and students are beginning to use Sites for course collaboration sites and organization web pages. One reported downside has been the length of the Sites links. I have good news. You […]
UM Website Redesign Project: Announcement of Survey Winners
In October, the University of Mississippi (UM) conducted a survey on the UM Website Redesign Project to gauge initial reactions and to gather input for future enhancements to the UM Website. The survey was open to students, parents, employees, alumni, fans and other interested individuals who were age 18 or older. To be eligible to win, survey participants […]
Provide Guests With Internet Access Using Wireless Guest Services
Today, University of Mississippi (UM) students, staff and faculty can gain internet access by using the UM wireless network. Using a UM WebID and corresponding password, UM wireless service is available at various locations on our Oxford and regional campuses. Further, parents visiting one of our campuses may also gain UM wireless access, provided they […]