Archive for the ‘Technological Advances’ Category
Accessibility and the Classroom
In a December 2012 post to the TechNews blog, Deetra Wiley wrote about web accessibility and the importance of insuring that university websites and web services are available to everyone, but the requirements of accessibility are not restricted only to the administrative side of the university. We also have an obligation to insure that academic […]
Box Storage and Collaboration Service Goes Live
The Office of Information Technology (IT) is pleased to announce the availability of Box storage and collaboration service to University of Mississippi (UM) faculty, staff and students. As a member of Internet2, UM is able to take advantage of the Box storage service and special pricing offered through the Internet2 NET+ partnership program. The Net+ Box offering […]
Product Review: Solid-State Drives
Hard disk drive technology has matured over the years, with drives spinning faster, achieving greater data transfer rates, improving at error checking, and attaining tremendous storage capacities. Those gains, however, have come at the cost of increasing disk fragility. Older SCSI and ATA drives could pretty much be counted on to safely store data for […]
Standing Desks in the Workplace

In recent years, we have seen continued publicity about the health benefits of a standing desk environment. Health web sites such as WebMD cover the possible problems of sitting too long. If you and your doctor think a standing desk configuration is right for you, below are some alternatives to consider. Choices to Consider The […]
Making the Web Work for Everyone
“Advancing technology is systematically changing the way universities approach education, but we must be sure that emerging technologies offer individuals with disabilities the same opportunities as other students.” (Assistant Attorney General Thomas E. Perez, United States Department of Justice) What is Web Accessibility? The goal of Web accessibility is to make websites usable by […]
Blackboard Mobile Learn
Would you like to access Blackboard from anywhere? Now there’s an App for that. Introducing Blackboard Mobile Learn at The University of Mississippi The Office of Information Technology is pleased to announce the launch of Blackboard Mobile Learn, a free mobile application that brings interactive teaching and learning to mobile devices and gives students full access […]