Archive for the ‘Security’ Category
Laptop Theft: Anything But Uncommon
According to University Police, 17 laptops have been reported stolen on the Ole Miss campus since August 2012. It’s important to keep in mind that this number doesn’t reflect stolen smartphones or tablets, only laptops. With technology doubling every 2 years, there are multiple ways to keep yourself, and your mobile devices, protected. The best […]
Online UM Security Awareness Training
Since 2005, select University employees have been required to participate in security awareness training. In the past, these required sessions have taken place in a classroom/lecture format. As of September 17, 2012, the University has partnered with the SANS Institute to offer online security awareness training. The online training modules are organized to train specific […]
How to Protect Your Passwords
With increasing use of the Internet in this digital world, it is very important that you secure your information with a strong password. You have heard that you should always use a password that is complex and hard to guess or crack. So, what constitutes a strong password? The following are few guidelines or “things […]
Cloud Storage and Sensitive Data
Effective July 1, 2011, Mississippi has a data breach notification law, House Bill 583. This law defines what data is considered to be sensitive (confidential), what constitutes a breach under this law, and the process that must be followed in the event sensitive information is “leaked” in a data breach. In addition to the state […]