The Office of Information Technology and University Brand Services have been working to develop a new and improved event calendar that is integrated with UM Today. Up until now, there has been no connection between events posted in UM Today and those added to the Ole Miss Event Calendar. In several weeks, the new calendar will be enabled, and events added to UM Today will automatically flow to the Ole Miss Event Calendar.
In the meantime, when you enter events in UM Today, you can now enter new fields to give more details about the event. The daily UM Today email and myOleMiss portal displays have already been adjusted to distinguish between announcements and events and to show the new event fields. Specifically, you can now select campus, building, and room from a drop-down list that is maintained in SAP. Alternatively, you can provide the full address for events that take place off campus. When you select building, the detailed location information, including latitude and longitude, will be available when the event is viewed for placement on maps.
There are four new flags to give more information about events:
- Registration Required
- Ticket Required
- Open to the Public
- Ongoing Exhibit
Also, you can enter up to five sponsors per event. Sponsors can be departments or schools, committees, or other entities such as fraternities and sororities. Lastly, additional event types have been added such as Lecture, Brown Bag, and Conference to further describe the event.
More information will be posted on the new and improved event calendar soon. Please feel free to begin using these new fields to give more details about your events and send any questions or comments to
Tags: UM Today