Need a report showing female undergraduate students for 2010-11? Transfer Students from Tate County? University courses with/without bookings? Graduation data? The Office of Information Technology is proud to announce the rollout of Analytics Reporting, a new SAP reporting tool that enables authorized users to build, view, and quickly access SAP reports based on specified data selections.
Analytics Reporting uses SAP’s Business Intelligence, a data warehouse that is refreshed nightly from the SAP transaction system. So, the information in the reports is accurate as of the previous night. The first set of reports that have been rolled out are Student Lifecycle Management (SLCM) reports for which the targeted audience is academic administrators.
Report examples (existing, but not limited to) are based on the student life cycle management areas such as admissions, enrollment, course offerings and bookings, student specializations and graduation data. If other information is needed, authorized users will also be able to request new report information to be added.
Administrators can now also view their budget information and academic administrators can view majors, minors, emphasis, concentrations, etc. by an offering school or department.
You’ll be able to build and view specific reports based on academic year and term, campus, state, school, country, department, program of study, admission category, gender, ethnicity, etc. These are just a few examples of reports that are at your fingertips and easily accessible. Reports won’t even have to be run in the background! With your continued request for certain types of data, Analytics Reporting will become the University of Mississippi’s sophisticated tool for delivering reports at your fingertips!
Authorized users can access these reports in myOleMiss by choosing the Employee tab => then, Analytics or via the following link: